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Case Study

Community Boost

Marketing Services
Company Size
San Diego, California

Community Boost is on a mission. They're a digital marketing agency that helps social ventures make a real difference. In 2022 alone, they worked with over 400 nonprofits and helped bring in more than $40 million in online donations. But they didn't do it alone—they had a little help from Athyna. 🚀

The challenge for Community Boost was finding the right people for their team, especially for specialized roles like Google Ads Specialists and Meta Advertising Specialists. That’s where Athyna came in, connecting them with talented candidates from all around the world.

Community Boost's search for a global hiring partner was serendipitously answered by Athyna through a simple cold email. Skeptical but hopeful, they engaged, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary. Athyna's proactive approach, understanding of Community Boost's unique needs, and fast delivery of high-calibre candidates swiftly turned a trial into a strategic partnership. 🤝

As Blake Arata, Director of Digital at Community Boost, puts it, “We were looking to build a team within a partnership...and it’s been great. The high quality of candidates and responsiveness assured us there was more to explore, and it became a goal to see how this would evolve over the quarters.”

Athyna helped Community Boost find the skilled people they needed, making sure they fit right in with the rest of the team. These new team members weren’t just good at their jobs—they also knew how to work across different channels, which is pretty rare and super valuable.

Blake Arata and Shannon Hill, the Director of People & Talent at Community Boost, shared their stories about working with Athyna. They talked about how impressed they were with the quality of the candidates and how well they fit with the Community Boost culture.

This is a really great partnership. Athyna has really taken the time to understand our company and our culture, and the roles that we're hiring for. Having that personalized care and the awesome team that we've hired through Athyna, it makes sense for us to continue working together.
Shannon Hill
Director of People & Talent

For Shannon Hill, Athyna's ability to rapidly source candidates was nothing short of astonishing. "The fact that we could come to Athyna and say, 'Hey, we need help hiring for this role', and Athyna was able to source people so quickly was just mind-blowing. It's been a really great partnership and a very mutually successful relationship," she expressed. This efficiency helped Community Boost maintain momentum in its growth and impact. ✈️

Before Athyna, Community Boost faced challenges in finding advertisers who not only understood the nonprofit business model but also aligned with their ethical hiring practices. "We struggled to find the right advertisers that could understand our market and business model," Blake admits. "But with Athyna, that wasn't the case. Many candidates were already familiar with services like the Google ad grant, making the integration into our team smooth. Plus, ensuring we're providing a fair local wage and opportunities for growth has been pivotal for our global team members."

Ornella Bajana Cohen

Paid Ads Manager
Community Boost only wants you to work in the way you want to work. That's one of the values that keeps blowing my mind. I was used to working in an office within certain work hours, so this was completely insane for me. They do not care how you do your job, or how many hours do you spend doing it, as long as you do it, you know? They respect that, and that was really crazy for me.
Praesent mollis tincidunt tellus, quis commodo augue mattis eget.

The partnership between Community Boost and Athyna is special. It’s about more than just getting the job done. It’s about working together, understanding each other, and sharing a common goal to do good in the world. The teams really enjoy working together, and that’s made their partnership even stronger. 🏄

The onboarding process at Community Boost transformed with the introduction of what they call an 'onboarding roadmap.' This comprehensive approach gives new hires a deep dive into the company's mission, systems, and specific job training. "We've partnered new hires with a 'boost buddy' to help them feel welcomed and integrated," says Shannon. "The difference in assimilation for those who've gone through this new process compared to our initial, more clunky onboarding has been day and night."

It’s been an incredible time saver for us because we can bring someone on with four or five years of experience that can be plugged into the work immediately versus bringing someone else in the U.S. at the same cost, who is usually pretty green and requires a lot of ramp up time and training.
Blake Arata
Director of Digital
Typical US Salary
Full Stack Developer
QA Analyst
Paython Developer
With Athyna
Saved 65%
Saved 65%
Saved 65%

When asked about the key to their team's happiness, it boils down to one of the organization's core values: being relentless learners. "We don't always have the answers at the top. So, we've created numerous channels for feedback and actively involve our team in shaping our culture, especially around diversity, equity, and inclusion," Shannon highlights. "We owe our evolution into a leader in digital marketing for nonprofits to the engagement and input of our team members."

With rising costs in the U.S., partnering with Athyna has brought significant savings without compromising on talent quality or ethical standards. "Finding skilled specialists in the digital advertising space can be costly, but with Athyna, we've accessed a global talent pool at a more affordable rate, and we're providing these individuals with great opportunities," Blake points out. "Moreover, we've been able to onboard experienced professionals quickly, reducing ramp-up time and allowing us to focus on our mission-driven work." 😉

As Community Boost continues to grow and help more nonprofits, they know they can count on Athyna to help them find the right people for their team. With Athyna’s support, they're ready to take on new challenges and make an even bigger impact.

Blake and Shannon encourage others to give Athyna a try. They believe it’s a decision that could lead to great things, just like it did for them. 🌱

The story of Community Boost and Athyna is a story of teamwork, mutual respect, and a shared mission to make the world a better place. Together, we've built a strong partnership that's helping Community Boost grow and make an even bigger impact. Here’s to a future filled with more growth and success! 💥

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