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Running on Fumes: How Martha Stewart Built an Empire with Just Three Hours of Sleep

June 11, 2024

Guess who we will be talking about today?! Oh
 you read it in the title


The legendary Martha Stewart and how she managed to build her billion-dollar empire on just three hours of sleep a night. Wait! Before you set your alarm at 2 am, let us clarify that we do not think you should do it. Ask your doctor first, ok? Oh! And we also can’t guarantee you’ll be becoming a self-made billionaire by sleeping this little.


Today we'll delve into Martha’s relentless drive, the science behind such sleepless success, and why most of us shouldn’t try this at home.


They say you need eight hours of sleep to be at your best, but Martha Stewart laughs in the face of such luxury. This domestic queen built her empire with barely enough shut-eye to keep most of us from becoming zombies. Let's dive into how she did it

Photo source: Sequential Brands Group, Inc. and Marley Spoon, Inc.

Forget beauty sleep. For Stewart, three hours was plenty to fuel her journey from stockbroker to the reigning queen of home and lifestyle. While most of us would be face-planting into our cereal, Martha was out conquering the world.


"When you have a real interest in life and a curious life, that sleep is not the most important thing," said Martha Stewart, making insomniacs everywhere feel a bit more justified.
"When you have a real interest in life and a curious life, that sleep is not the most important thing," said Martha Stewart, making insomniacs everywhere feel a bit more justified.

Martha's three-hour sleep routine became legendary when she started her catering business from scratch in her basement and while she made it look easy, running on minimal sleep is not for the faint of heart. It takes a special person to function at full throttle with so little rest.


"You cannot be lazy and grow a business. Passion has to be accompanied by the willingness to work really, really hard," Martha told The Associated Press.

Even after selling Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia for $353 million, she continued her early mornings and minimal sleep routine, proving that old habits die hard.

Martha’s ability to function on just a few hours of sleep is as legendary as her perfectly baked soufflĂ©s. One of her former employees, Louise Felix, shared stories of Martha driving to New York markets at 4 a.m. after just three hours of sleep, all while planning her next business move. This relentless energy and passion for her work are what set Martha apart.


Martha once said, "Passion has to be accompanied by the willingness to work really, really hard," and her routine proves it. Despite her minimal sleep, she wakes up early, reads the newspaper, and even fits into pilates at 6:15 a.m. three times a week. Her schedule might make mere mortals cringe, but for Martha, it’s just another day in her life.


But, Stewart isn’t the only high achiever who skimps on sleep. It’s well-known that Mozart, Richard Branson, Sigmund Freud, and Barack Obama (among others) have all pulled off impressive feats with minimal (not as little as Martha though) shut-eye.


Martha isn’t the only one here. (Source: UCreative)

A few lessons from Martha's Success Playbook

Martha Stewart didn't just stop at building a business; she wrote a book on it. Literally. Here are some key takeaways from her success strategies:


1. Shit Happens and That’s OK: Martha faced her fair share of setbacks, from burning important meals to lawsuits. Her mantra? Bad stuff happens. Brush it off and keep going. It's not the end until it’s okay.

2. Try Out Many Things to Find Your Passion: Martha’s career path wasn’t straightforward. She tried various jobs, including stock trading, before finding her passion in lifestyle and home decor. It’s okay to explore different paths until you find the right fit.

3. Be Thrifty and Smart with Resources: Martha was thrifty in her business operations. From saving food scraps to re-investing profits, she knew how to stretch a dollar. This frugality helped her grow her business sustainably.

4. Simplify Your Business Concept: Martha advises keeping business ideas simple and easy to explain. Complex businesses can be harder to market and scale.

5. Repurpose Content: Martha is a master at repurposing content. She maximized her recipes by sharing them on TV, in books, and online. This strategy ensured her content reached a wider audience without extra effort.

6. Maintain High Standards of Quality: Quality was non-negotiable for Martha. Whether it was raspberries on a cake or the design of her products, she believed in delivering the best to her customers.


Can’t become a millionaire over night. We get it.

With these lessons in mind, it’s clear that Martha’s approach to business was multifaceted and deeply rooted in a relentless work ethic and a passion for excellence.

Sleep? Who Needs It?

  • Martha Stewart functioned on just three hours of sleep while building her empire.
  • Known for her early mornings, often starting her day at 4 a.m.
  • Continued her rigorous schedule even after massive business success.
  • Other successful individuals like Barack Obama, Elon Musk, and Tom Ford also sleep minimally.
  • Experts caution that this lifestyle is rare and not advisable for most.

Sure, Martha Stewart is a powerhouse who defies the typical sleep needs. But for the rest of us mere mortals, aiming for a solid eight hours is still the best bet.


Most of us aren’t wired to thrive on minimal sleep, and trying to do so can lead to burnout and decreased productivity, so obviously we do not advise anybody to try this.


While it’s fun to marvel at Martha’s superhuman abilities, remember to prioritize your rest. After all, you’re not Martha Stewart—yet. But these successes seem to be a medical mystery, considering the robust research that shows the excruciating impacts of sleep deprivation on mental health.


In a conversation with Sleepopolis, Deirdre Conroy, Ph.D., director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan Health, explains, “When starting a business, it is common for people to prioritize sleep less and therefore not spend much time allocated to sleep. [Stewart] may have experienced what is termed ‘chronic insufficient sleep syndrome,’ which is limiting sleep due to work or other responsibilities.” Dr. Conroy clarifies that this is different from insomnia, or “difficulty falling or staying asleep despite adequate opportunity for sleep.”


"It is possible, but very rare, that individuals sleep less than 5 hours a night without next day consequences," Dr. Conroy says.

The Real Takeaway from Martha Stewart's Success

Martha Stewart’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From her humble beginnings to becoming a household name, her story is a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Martha's ability to function on just three hours of sleep is remarkable, but it's her drive and ingenuity that truly set her apart.


For most of us, eight hours of sleep remains crucial for our well-being and productivity. Martha's story should inspire us not to cut corners on sleep, but to channel our inner passion and dedication into our work. It's about finding that balance between hustle and health, pushing ourselves to be the best we can be while recognizing our limits.

Martha being fabulous as usual.

So now you know
 Take a page from Martha's book—not necessarily her sleep schedule, but her commitment to quality, her adaptability, and her unwavering drive to succeed. Whether you're building a business, pursuing a career, or simply trying to make your mark on the world, let Martha Stewart's story remind you that with enough passion and hard work, you too can create something extraordinary. Just make sure you get enough sleep while you're at it.

Martha's three-hour sleep routine became legendary when she started her catering business from scratch in her basement and while she made it look easy, running on minimal sleep is not for the faint of heart. It takes a special person to function at full throttle with so little rest.


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