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Case Study

Investing in Your Employees: How Offering Benefits Pays Off for Your Business

May 24, 2023

If you wanna snag and keep those rockstar employees, you gotta step up your game with some kickass benefits, my friend. We're talking health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off—the whole shebang! As many as 86% of firms have written policies in place on perks such as paid leave, parental leave, and work schedule flexibility. Nowadays, having killer benefits is an absolute must if you wanna lure in the best talent in the market. It's time to roll up those sleeves and show 'em what you got!

Investing in top-notch benefits for your team is like playing in the big leagues, man. It's the secret sauce to staying competitive in the industry and attracting those A-listers. These days, applicants and employees know what they want and won't settle for less. If your benefits package doesn't cut it, they'll easily go sniffing around for better opportunities. So, it's time to customize those benefits packages. Give 'em what they need, keep 'em happy, and watch that work culture thrive!

Here's a fun fact for you: a whopping 40% of employers think that employees ditch their jobs just to find greener pastures with sweeter benefits. Offer them benefits that are reasonable, competitive, and tailored to their needs. That way, they'll feel appreciated for their hard work and stay loyal to the cause. 

Employees and employers are totally on the same page when it comes to what matters in company culture. We're talking about work-life balance. It's the holy grail of company culture, and both employees and employers agree. 51% of employees and 47% of employers believe that work-life balance is the absolute top priority when it comes to creating an awesome company culture. Can't argue with that, right? Time to find that sweet balance!

Home office stipend

Only a small chunk, like 17% of employees and 20% of employers, think that a home office stipend is a top-notch work benefit. But here's the kicker: it ranked third among employees and fifth among employers. Crazy, right? It just goes to show how all over the place our priorities are when it comes to work benefits. We're like a bunch of scatterbrains trying to figure out what floats our boats!

Empower Your Workforce with Professional Development Support

When deciding whether or not to apply for a job, 59% of millennials say development possibilities are extremely important. Investing in your team and their growth. It's not just a way for companies to show they care about their employees (which is pretty rad), but it's also a smart move to keep the workforce on top of their game and make sure clients get the best of the best.

So here's the deal: companies that offer training programs, continuing education opportunities, and career development plans are like superheroes for their employees. They help us expand our skills, climb up the career ladder, and reach new heights. It's like having a personal growth coach right there in the office!

And guess what? When companies invest in us, it pays off big time. We feel happier, more motivated, and less likely to pack our bags and find a new gig. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved. So, if your company is all about that employee growth mindset, count yourself lucky! It's the secret sauce to success, my friends.

Foster Team Bonding and Cohesion through Group Activities

Let's talk about how important it is for companies to build strong communication and relationships. Trust me, it's a game-changer! 52% of employees believe that business culture is just as important in remote work as it is in the office.

Now, even though it ain't easy to create a tight-knit company vibe in this virtual world, we must prioritize building an engaging online work environment. That's the key, my friends!

To amp up team spirit and keep everyone happy, companies can organize some wicked meetings and awesome team-building activities. Picture this: regular virtual hangouts (and if you're lucky, in-person too) like team lunches, happy hours, and other cool social events. These shindigs bring workers, together, making them feel more connected and part of the company culture. And hey, they also squash that pesky feeling of isolation that sometimes sneaks in. The result? A kickass, collaborative, and engaged workforce.

Flexible Hours

Did you know that employees who are satisfied with their employers' flexibility in terms of time and location are more than twice as likely to suggest their employer to job seekers? Offering a flexible work schedule is like hitting the jackpot for workers. We're all about that work-life balance, you know? Having the freedom to decide when we work is pure gold because it lets us create a schedule that suits our needs like a glove.

And guess what? Flexibility boosts our productivity and performance. When we can work during our prime time, when we're in the zone and firing on all cylinders, our work quality skyrockets. As long as we meet our deadlines and rock our responsibilities, why not give us the freedom to choose the schedule that rocks our world? It's a win-win, baby!

Family Leave

According to Zippia in the US, 90% of firms stated that paid family leave increased productivity, while 99% said it increased employee morale.

Specifically designed for parents-to-be. It's all about giving moms and dads some much-needed time off before and after the little one arrives. And let me tell you, it's one of the most sought-after benefits by employees. Everyone wants a piece of that sweet family time!

Family leave ain't just about birth anymore. Even adopting or going through a surrogacy journey, it's all about supporting our peeps and celebrating all the different ways families come together. So, if you're a competitive employer, you better believe you gotta step up your game and start offering that paid family leave. It's become a must-have in today's work world!

Student Loan Repayment

We all know that pesky debt hanging over our heads, right? Well, some cool companies out there are stepping up their game and offering a student loan repayment plan as a sweet employee benefit. Currently, employers in the US offer student loan debt relief to 17% of employees, with another 31% planning to do so in the future. 

Digital Nomad Policy

The majority of digital nomads (57%) have been working remotely for two years or less, 27% for three to ten years, and 6% for more than ten years. 

We're living in the era of "Generation Flex," and let me tell you, employers aren’t settling for anything less than flexible workplace policies. If a job offer doesn't come with some serious flexibility, they're waving it goodbye faster than you can say "work-life balance."

We're talking about working from anywhere and everywhere. Imagine being a high-performing employee with the whole world as your office playground. When companies grant this power, employees take it to the next level and beyond. They'll go the extra mile, kick some serious butt, and deliver results like you've never seen before. So, embrace the revolution, and watch your team unleash their true potential! The possibilities are endless when you set them free!

To provide the best benefits package, companies must recognize that the needs and preferences of their workforce can vary greatly. This means taking the time to gather feedback from employees and understanding what works best for them. 

Through careful research and employee input, employers can customize their benefits offerings to ensure that workers feel supported, engaged, and motivated to produce their best work.

Sources: Labitoria, Coann; HRD, Forbes.

Typical US Salary
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Celeste Bono

Content Creator & Media Producer. The official voice of Athyna.

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