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Case Study

Improving Change Management During the Era of Remote Work

April 13, 2023

It's time to face reality and make some changes. And trust me, your change management strategy better be on point, or you'll be left in the virtual dust. If you don't plan properly and have a solid change management strategy, you're not gonna have a good time. That's why now more than ever, you need to up your game and make sure your change management skills are on point.


A long, long time ago (ok, not that long ago), COVID-19 left businesses, governments, and individuals alike scrambling to pick up the pieces. And as if that weren't enough, we've had to make some major changes just to survive - like switching to remote services. But with these changes come a whole new set of problems, like cybersecurity risks that could make your head spin. It's like trying to juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle - not easy.


Change management - it's like the Swiss Army knife of workplace survival. It's all about getting your teams, employees, and organization ready for whatever changes come your way. And let's face it, change is like that one family member who always shows up uninvited - it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. So, how do you prepare for it? Well, you can get the ball rolling by doing some of the following:


  • Embrace emerging technologies that make your head spin
  • Revamp ancient legacy systems that are older than dirt
  • Respond to crises like a superhero (or at least try to)
  • Improve customer experience like a boss
  • Gain relevance and competitive advantage like a ninja


We're talking about redirecting budgets, human and financial resources, processes, and operations - not exactly a walk in the park. If all you're doing is switching up personnel and teams, you might be able to skate by with just some basic change management skills. But if you're shaking things up and embarking on a total organizational overhaul, then you better get ready for some serious organizational change management.


No matter which path you choose, the ultimate goal is the same: making your business operations and processes shine brighter than a diamond-encrusted tiara. You want to add more value to your clients and your organization, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there (within legal and ethical limits, of course). So, whether you're focused on basic change management or diving headfirst into the wild world of organizational change management, just remember - it's all about that strategic approach.



Change management strategy


Without a change management strategy, you'll be flying by the seat of your pants, and that's a recipe for disaster. Your customers will be confused, your organization will be in chaos, and your employees will be running around like headless chickens. And let's not forget about the resources - they'll be flying out the window faster than you can say "change management strategy."


If you want your change initiative to be a success, you gotta have a plan. A well-defined strategy is like a roadmap to your destination. It tells you where you're going, how you're gonna get there, and what to expect along the way.


But here's the thing - not all changes are created equal. Replacing senior leadership in the remote working era is a whole different ballgame than deploying new technologies to your remote workforce. That's why you need a strategy for each type of change you're planning.


Now, I know what you're thinking - "But what about the people? Won't they resist the change?" Well, that's where your strategy comes in. It should anticipate potential resistance from your employees and provide a plan to address it. Plus, it should consider how the change will affect your employees, the ease of adoption, and the feasibility of utilization.


Don't wing it: craft a killer change management strategy instead


As we said: management strategy is essential. But hold your horses, before you go on a wild design spree, you need to know what you want to achieve. And if you want to avoid being caught up in a knot of confusion, it's best to untangle those pesky points beforehand. That way, your organization can move at lightning speed toward success!


If you want to get cracking on mapping out the features of your change management strategy, here's a hot tip: make a list of questions you need to answer. It's like making a grocery list, but instead of milk and eggs, you've got questions about your strategy.


Now, a top-notch change management strategy for remote working requires a deep dive into your organization's inner workings. We're talking history, culture, the whole shebang. So ask yourself: do your managers and employees believe in this change or are they just nodding along to avoid awkward silences? Are y'all on the same page? And most importantly, how flexible is your organizational culture? Once you've got all this juicy info, you can finally get cracking on designing your change management strategy like a boss. But don't forget to keep these powerful elements in mind, or you'll end up in hot water faster than a lobster in a pot.



The organization of your team


Your strategy needs to lay out who's who in the zoo, so to speak. We're talking about the project team and the change management team, and who's responsible for what.Β 


You don't want to end up with a game of hot potato, passing the same task around until it falls through the cracks. That's how you end up with a stalled change initiative, and nobody wants that. So, you need a leader to step up and make sure these two teams are on the same page. They're like the peacekeeper of the Wild West, making sure everyone gets along and the job gets done.Β 


Your strategy should define responsibilities and make sure there are enough resources to go around. If everyone knows what their job is and has the right tools, it's smooth sailing.


A team of advocates


You will need a sponsor coalition to help keep everything in line. Think of it like assembling your own personal Avengers team - only instead of saving the world from aliens, they're saving your organization from chaos. Your main sponsor will bring together a group of stakeholders, including C-suite members and department heads, to help oversee the change project. If the change only affects certain departments, then your sponsor coalition should be made up of leaders from those areas.Β 


You want these leaders to be trustworthy and influential - like Oprah, but for the workplace. It's all about keeping the troops happy and on board with the changes. And one last thing - communication is key. Make sure you have a clear channel for keeping everyone in the loop.Β 


That’s a wrap, guys!


Remember: we need to adapt and embrace the change with open arms. And that's where your change management strategy comes in, dear friend! By having a solid strategy in place, you can identify potential roadblocks and tackle them head-on before they become a big issue.


With your strategy as your trusty guide, you'll be able to create a plan that covers all the important bases. It's like having a roadmap to success, except instead of a paper map, it's a really awesome plan that will make your life so much easier.


Source: RT Insights; Ghelber, Alon


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