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Do you think you have no impact on the environment cause you work remotely?

October 26, 2022

This year, Sustainability Day is celebrated on October 26th, though it could vary according to the country. But regardless of where you are and when you celebrate it, our primary purpose is to honor sustainability every day!

Sustainability Day allows people from all over the world to learn more about the topic and get together to discuss what we can do to support it and commit to taking the necessary actions to ensure that future generations can meet their needs.

At Athyna, we do our best to live our ideals, and we also aim to encourage our team members and clients to make changes that will contribute to a better and cleaner society.

Continue reading to learn more about sustainability and how you can help!

Why is there a Sustainability Day?

In today's world, we don't hear the word sustainable now and again. Even though it began as a pad, it has proven to everyone that it is here to stay. Still, having a sustainability day - similar to Earth Day and other festivals - serves as a reminder.

We can see some brands that are not just adopting sustainability ideas, but they have begun to include sustainability into every part of the creation of their products, from eco-materials to eco-packaging, as well as how they treat their workers, but sustainability is still a topic that many have yet to fully grasp, which is why, among other things, we mark Sustainability Day every year on the fourth Wednesday of October.

Oh, you think you have no impact on the environment ‘cause you work remotely? Not so fast… Here are a few things you can do from home to help…

One of the most important benefits of remote work is the reduction in time, energy, and financial costs associated with traveling to an office. Remote workers' carbon footprints are reduced by simply working from home! If you are one of those remote employees and want to make sure you are doing your part, here are a few tips...

  • Set your thermostat right!

You may cut your carbon footprint by up to 2,000 pounds per year by adjusting your thermostat by 2 degrees in the summer and 2 degrees in the winter. As an alternative, you may use a thermostat that automatically saves energy.

  • Don’t leave everything plugged in all the time!

Even when they are not in use, electronic devices still use energy when they are plugged in. Everything that is plugged in uses electricity from the grid, which stresses the environment unnecessarily. This phenomenon is known as "Vampire Energy". When working from home, you can start by unplugging any electrical equipment that isn't in use. When not in use, you may want to unplug your laptop, microwave, coffee maker, cell phone, and other devices.

  • Change your daily habits… if you can!

Finally, take a close look at your daily routine and consider how you may change it. For instance, you may assess your carbon footprint on FootprintCalculator.org and see what changes you can make to reduce it. You can take a ton of quick actions to make working from home more sustainable. You should lead by example.

Organizational leaders should offer remote employees (if they can) the appropriate support in each of the outlined categories to entrench an ecologically sustainable culture. This could also include extra rules that encourage and assist workers in converting to renewable energy sources at home if the company can do so.

BUT WAIT! Do you still go to an office every day and want to make your work environment eco-friendly?

Creating a healthier workplace does not require as many changes in corporate processes as one might believe. According to the World Health Organization, a healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to implement a continuous improvement strategy to safeguard and promote the health, safety, and well-being of all workers, as well as the workplace's sustainability. Furthermore, the advantages that businesses gain from engaging in environmentally responsible operations are challenging to overlook.

Eco-friendly practices frequently improve a company's position and reputation internally as well, which results in happy employees. Today, a lot of employees want to be connected with organizations that practice environmental responsibility. Additionally, a sustainable business model may draw in and keep excellent personnel.

Here are a few actions you can try to benefit from including eco-friendly methods in the workplace…

  • If you can’t work remotely, you can always try a new way to commute

By incorporating physical exercise into daily commuting, and switching from cars to sustainable forms of transportation, such as public transportation, walking, and bicycling, you may not just improve your health and happiness, but make a significant change to the environment as ​​the transportation sector is one of the top contributors of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Create a recycling program

Having a recycling system throughout the building is another way businesses can contribute to a healthier environment. Recycling reduces the amount of garbage that is dumped in landfills, saves energy, and reduces emissions from the waste transport process. Furthermore, most employees, particularly Millennials, want employers to support them in recycling. Focusing on trash reduction and recycling can drive employees to make more conscientious decisions about lowering their impact both within and outside of the business.

  • Overcome your habit of plastic convenience

Every year, humans generate about 300 million tons of plastic. Businesses may reduce waste, save money, and lessen their environmental effect by focusing on decreasing plastics, giving alternatives to single-use items, and recycling whenever possible. Reduce the use of single-use water bottles and coffee mugs, especially in communal workplace settings.

Every business and employee may take a few simple actions to educate the rest of the world about the environment and encourage them to act sustainably to make a difference in their communities and the environment at large. We at Athyna have already joined the party, and we hope you also do it soon!

Typical US Salary
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Celeste Bono

Content Creator & Media Producer. The official voice of Athyna.

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