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Exciting Places to Work Remotely

October 15, 2021

If you’re adventurous, you made the right choice. Remote work lets you do you while getting some work done. If you’re thinking about it, hopefully, you’ll be convinced to join the wonderful world of remote work.

Here are some interesting places to explore telecommuting if you’re just starting out, and provide novelty if you’re looking for inspiration.

Be warned, not all of these are COVID-proof.

He knows his stuff.

Working from Home, or WFH 🏡:
The standard package. Here, you work from a single or shared home office. Recommended for work/workers who need controlled environments. If you need social support, you can share a workspace with a friend/partner working remotely.

Pros: Autonomy, controlled environment, pyjamas, and reduced commuting expenses.

Cons: Monotony, bad work habits, and distractions from family members.

Just look at this beauty.

Pro tip:

  • If you’re feeling unmotivated or lonely with no remote-working friends or family, you can try setting up a virtual shared space where you’re on a call with a coworker or fellow telecommuter. Switch off your cameras and mute your mics if you’d like, and check up on each other at set times.

Coffee Shops (post-COVID) ☕: Your favourite coffee shops have missed you. Working from a coffee shop is a good idea if you enjoy the sound of background voices.

They’re a brilliant way to get away from home and still be around other people without necessarily socializing.

And hey, be polite and patronise the store. Check out this guide on telecommuting in a coffee shop. You could recreate the atmosphere with ambient noise in a home office if you’d like.

Pros: Motivation from the environment, change of scenery, fewer interruptions from people.

Cons: Commuting & food costs, medium levels of comfort, occasional noise & distractions.

Love it.

Parks 🏞: The scenery is (probably) amazing until your laptop dies. A park is a good place to hold a meeting/discussion or do some creative thinking.

Ergonomically speaking, you’re unlikely to find a posture-friendly setup there if you need to use a mouse or keyboard. But if you find one, camp there, and mark your territory. Howl! 🐺

Pros: Beautiful scenery, the effect of biophilia on the mood.

Cons: Needs backup power, prepare for rain & insect bites, pack food.

Libraries (post-COVID) 📚: Choosing to work in a library means literally no distractions — you just have to find a perfect spot and then go berserk. And remember to take a bag with your chargers and cables along.

Also, you won’t be able to make calls here, so it’s best for focused work.

Pros: Absolute quiet.

Cons: Absolute quiet.

Coworking Spaces (post-COVID) 🤝🏽: Coworking is a great way to escape from home, rely on collective motivation and do some really focused work.

As a survival guide, never forget your headphones. They won’t be too quiet because of the number of people, but it’s a great environment that enables you to work.

Pros: Motivated environment, work facilities, better internet.

Cons: Less control (temperature, furniture, few distractions), work hours.

Smells like Clean Spirit.

A Work Pod (Stationary or Mobile) 🧠: We expect them on Mars soon. But first, Earth.

Building a dedicated work pod in an outhouse, cargo container or shed can help you truly work from home — without all the distractions.

You should go for a work pod if you need a place outside of the house to work, without losing control of your space and comfort.

Pros: All the benefits of a home office — without the disadvantages.

Cons: Might be expensive to set up.

I would pay to work here.

The Back of A Old Van/RV: Thanks to all the spy movies of the 21st century, telecommuters and nomads are rigging up vans to take work wherever they go.

If you’re full of wanderlust, you should definitely consider a  van workspace.

Aside from the maintenance and fuel costs, working in a van is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the world and still take your comfort zone with you.

Pros: All the benefits of a work pod, adventure, inspiration.

Cons: Might be expensive to set up and maintain.

Many things you can do with a van.

Finally, here’s a list of other locations to telecommute from. Happy remote working!

Typical US Salary
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Walo Olapoju

Copywriter/Full-stack creative at Athyna. Leonardo da Vinci's archnemesis.

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